Wafelijzer is web software you can use to make a beautiful and easy-to-run website for your record label or collective. It was built to power Belgian Man
You can get it up and running in 5 minutes or less, and add artists, albums, news, videos, or even sell merch using the simple online interface.
Wafelijzer looks fantastic out-of-the-box, but it’s also totally customizable. Theme it up to your heart’s content.
Wafelijzer’s development is guided by 3 principles:
Keep it easy: You don’t need any technical, web development, or coding experience to use Wafelijzer. A label shouldn’t need a ‘Web Dude,’ artists can add easily add their own content.
Make it free: Wafelijzer is designed to run on a free Heroku server.
Stay lazy: You already use services like bandcamp, soundcloud, vimeo, and youtube. Wafelijzer automatically pulls your content from these services so you don’t have to type the same shit over and over.