miNType is Kevin Zweerink’s ntype (try it out at, but with most of the features removed.

It makes it real easy to put some cool 4d type on your website. You can see an example at the top of this very page.

major limitations

  • rn you can only have one instance of ntype
  • you can’t customize any of the things yet
    • like the background color
    • or the rotation
  • it doesn’t update when u resize ur window (but does when u refresh)

how to

see index.html for an example.

here’s the important bit:

var ntypediv = document.getElementById("sayhello")
var ntype = new NType(ntypediv);
var options = {
  // this bit says which axes to rotate
  matrix: ["xz", "xy"],
ntype.begin("hi", options);


run npm install to install the uglifier

then run grunt to concatenate the files in js/ into one file lib/mintype.js and then minify it to lib/mintype.min.js